Watering and Misting

Is it safe to mist an orchid daily and when misting can you mist the petals also?

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Sep 20, 2011
Cable's Reply
by: Cable Thompson

Thanks for the question!

Yes, it's safe to mist orchids daily. There are, however, a few types of orchids that need a dry rest after flowering, and the ones that expect more severe dry rests (such as Cycnoches) should be misted only sparingly at that time. But for the vast majority of orchids, they can be misted as often as you like, so long as the potting mix doesn't get overwatered by mist dripping into it.

It's generally a good idea to avoid misting the flowers, as this can sometimes leave them spotted with various sorts of mildew or fungal infections that will make the flowers not last as long and may affect the health of the plant. But if the humidity is really low, this can cause a plant to drop its buds before they open, so make sure to mist in that case.

Oct 29, 2014
Misting NEW
by: Anonymous

Misting should only be done every 3 days no more. Flowers should never be misted or else they will fall before time.

Aug 26, 2015
great comments NEW
by: Edgar

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Oct 11, 2015
Priority NEW
by: Gabriele Marmo

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Nov 07, 2015
Orchid NEW
by: Diana Manning

Orchids, despite the fact there are thousands of various species and hybrids of them; you will in finding clearly most effective two general types of classification of orchids in existence. One will find that one classification of orchid would be the terrestrial orchids that happen to be vegetation that mature on the ground.
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